Ordinarily Available Provision: Thresholds and expectation of schools and settings


Welcome to the Council for Disabled Children’s ‘Thresholds, quality and changing conversations: expectation of schools and settings’ training.

This course will help you understand Ordinarily Available Provision and how they sit in the system as a whole.

This training is an introduction to the principles and concepts behind Ordinarily Available Provision. If you would like further support on the process of developing one, please email [email protected] with the subject line <Ordinarily Available Provision Support Request>.

This training is mostly aimed at senior leaders with a role to play in the SEND system. Practitioners, SEN Teams, education teams and parent carers can also access it if they wish to learn more about Ordinarily Available Provision.

By the end of this module, professionals will:

  • Understand the legal requirements of Ordinarily Available Provision
  • Understand the importance of Ordinarily Available Provision for the children and young people and the SEN and disability system
  • Understand different features of Ordinarily Available Provision and explore examples of Ordinarily Available Provision developed in other areas
  • Understand key features of the development process that can contribute to successful implementation 
  • Reflect on the above points to identify and propose a way forward in your local area 

After this training, we encourage you to work with stakeholders across the SEN and disability system, including parent carers to:

  • Review existing guidance to support schools and settings in meeting the needs of all children and young people without the need for additional or different provision
  • Agree the outcomes sought from any development work on Ordinarily Available Provision
  • Agree the developmental process needed to meet the outcomes

Each lesson will take approximately 45 minutes, you can work through at your own pace. You do not need to complete all of the lessons on the same day.

You will see from the menu on the left, the course includes five lessons. We recommend you complete all of them in order. The menu on the left will track your progress through the course. At the end, we will ask you to complete a final survey.

Use the menu links to navigate to each lesson and the arrows at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the content. When you've finished a lesson, click the 'Finish' button to mark that lesson as complete. All sections of the course must be complete before the certificate can be released. 

You will then be able to download your certificate by clicking on the large tick above the menu, or you can return to the 'My trainings' section using the icon to the left of the menu where your certificates will be saved. 

We hope you find the course useful! If you need any technical support while completing this course, please contact [email protected]