Introduction to Social Care


Welcome to the Council for Disabled Children's Introduction to Social Care course.

This training is predominantly aimed at SENDIAS staff. However it could also be utilised by others in the SEND sector such as:

•    Early Help practitioners;
•    Education practitioners;
•    Health practitioners;
•    Anyone else involved in providing social care advice and information

The course has two modules covering:

1.    Children's Social Care: The law, regulations and guidance
2.    Children's Social Care: What it means in practice

Develop your understanding of social care support and services by:

  • Improving your understanding of the role of social care teams and practitioners in the lives of children and young people with SEND and their families 
  • Improving your understanding of the legal framework unpinning the provision of good quality social care
  • Improve your understanding of how children and young people with SEND, and their families, can access social care assessments and support.    

Each lesson will take around 45 minutes to complete and you can work through at your own pace. You do not need complete both lessons on the same day.
You can access the lessons in the menu to the left. We recommend you complete them in order. The menu on the left will automatically check your progress.

Use the menu links to navigate to the lessons and once in the lesson use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen to move through the content. When you have finished a lesson, click the 'Finish' button to mark that lesson as complete.

By undertaking this training you agree to receiving a follow-up online evaluation form in 3 months’ time. 

We hope you find the course useful!

If you have any technical difficulties while completing this course or have any questions please email the team at [email protected]