CETRs and DSRs


Welcome to the Care Education and Treatment Reviews (CETR) and Dynamic Support Registers (DSRs) online training, developed by the Council for Disabled Children on behalf of the Information, Advice and Support Programme and NHS England.

This training is aimed at SENDIAS staff but will also be helpful to anyone who works with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families and who may be involved in the CETR and DSR processes.

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Describe the historical context and change in approach to supporting children and young people at risk of inpatient mental health care
  • Describe the purpose of the Care Education and Treatment Review (CETR)
  • Understand what a Dynamic Support Register (DSR) is 
  • Identify the Children and young people who would benefit from being included on the register and might require a CETR

Each lesson will take approximately 45 minutes, you can work through at your own pace. You do not need to complete all of the lessons on the same day.

You will see from the menu on the left, the course includes five lessons. We recommend you complete all of them in order. The menu on the left will track your progress through the course. At the end, we will ask you to complete a final survey.

Use the menu links to navigate to each lesson and the arrows at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the content. When you've finished a lesson, click the 'Finish' button to mark that lesson as complete. All sections of the course must be complete before the certificate can be released. 

You will then be able to download your certificate by clicking on the large tick above the menu, or you can return to the 'My trainings' section using the icon to the left of the menu where your certificates will be saved. 

We hope you find the course useful! If you need any technical support while completing this course, please contact [email protected]
